…’cause the end is nigh.

All you need to know about why our ‘democracy’ is terminally ill can be summed up in the following paragraph:

Welcome to a world where statistical probability and normal arithmetic no longer apply! The Democrats, rather than vigorously pursuing these patently obvious signs of election fraud in 2004, have nearly all decided that being gracious losers is better than being winners, probably because – and this may be the most important reason for the Democrats’ relative silence – a full-scale uncovering of the fraud runs the risk of mobilizing and unleashing popular forces that the Democrats find just as threatening as the GOP does.

I could easily wax on while channeling the spirits of Helen Keller and Eugene Debs, but I’ll just suggest that you read the entire article. It is an eye-opener even for me, jaded as I am. As I see it, we have two basic choices:

First, we can keep ignoring this to our imminent peril. After all, an electorate that knowingly tolerates two successive fraudulent presidential elections is displaying a high tolerance for malfeasance at the highest levels of government. With that sort of tolerance level, it will be far too late when our government crosses the line in the sand that infuriates a significant majority of the electorate. There is historical precedent for this, but I won’t bother going into that; if you don’t understand how this is not unique, then there’s no use in my trying to drive it into your hopelessly thick, fat-lined skull.

Second, we can all get pissed off and start demanding that our congressional representatives impeach the Bush administration. Then, we can let them know that we will no longer tolerate vote fraud; we will back low-cost, easy to implement fraud-prevention procedures such as those proposed by Rep. John Conyers, and we will not suffer politicians who so much as hesitate to give them to us. Subsequently, our anger will translate into the consistent election of representatives and senators who live up to the professed ideals of our constitution. These steps will be just the beginning.

Honestly, I don’t expect the latter to transpire. From what I see, in light of the above-linked article, there isn’t much available to inspire hope. Anything can happen, though, right?

One comment on “

  1. teh l4m3 says:

    My fear is that millions more Americans will have to starve and go cold and homeless and lose more of their rights before they start rising up popularly. It’s sad, but we’re just too comfortable as yet.Anyway — take a break man! Merry Christmas, have a bright Hannukah, Happy Kwanzaa and all that!

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